Uninstalling Quantum Visualizer

To uninstall Quantum Visualizer, follow these steps:

  1. Use one of the following options to open the Uninstall Quantum Visualizer window:
    1. Navigate to the folder where Quantum Visualizer is installed. For example, <Install Drive>:\visualizer_installation. Double-click the Uninstall shortcut.

    2. Navigate to Start > Control Panel > Programs and Features. From the list of programs, select Visualizer and then click Uninstall.

    The Uninstall Quantum Visualizer window appears.

  2. Click Uninstall.

    The Uninstall confirmation window appears.

  3. Click Yes.

    The Uninstall Complete pane appears.

  4. Click Done to close the Uninstall window.

    NOTE: The uninstaller cannot remove the files or folders that were not installed or copied by the installer. These include files or folders that are created as you use Quantum Visualizer (for example, log files). You need to manually delete those files.